Wednesday 11 May 2011

Video Production Session

This post will be looking at YouTube videos! It will briefly summarise what YouTube is and the services that it offers as well as use videos to explain a topic of interest from my fieldwork placement! 

YouTube is an extremely popular video-sharing website used daily by many people around the world! YouTube users have been able to search for, upload, share and view videos since the websie was first created in 2005 (Wikipedia, 2011). As well as being able to view and upload videos YouTube allows its users to rate videos, add comments and subscribe to their favourite producers (Karch, n.d.). Videos from YouTube can also be embedded in other locations such as blogs like this one or other web pages (Karch, n.d.). This means that you don't actually have to visit the YouTube website itself to view some of its content (Karch, n.d.). In summary, YouTube's video content is always changing and becoming more and more interesting by the day! Follow the link below to the YouTube home page.

Wikipedia. (2011). Youtube. Retrieved 6th May, 2011 from
Karch, M. (n.d.). Youtube explained: Overview of the google video sharing tool. Retrieved 6th May, 2011 from

For this posting we were asked to choose a topic of interest drawn from a fieldwork experience and find a series of videos that help to explain the topic. Something I learnt a lot about on my first fieldwork placement was mental health disorders, in particular schizophrenia. One of the things I learnt was that I was wrong about what I thought schizophrenia actually was! I thought that schizophrenia was split personalities, I soon discovered that this was wrong! Below are a series of informative videos about what schizophrenia is, the common misconceptions of the disorder and the stigmas that are attached to it. Watch, listen and learn! 

1. This first video addresses some of the stigmas attached to schizophrenia as well as what it is caused by and some of the signs and symptoms. It then goes on to explain one particular persons experience of schizophrenia and how the disorder has affected her life. 

2. This next video looks at some of the common myths associated with schizophrenia and explains why they aren't true! 
3. This video talks specifically about what schizophrenia is and some of the behaviours people with schizophrenia would display. It also addresses where the term schizophrenia originated from and other common facts about schizophrenia that are important in understanding the disorder.

4. This next video is an interview about mental illness from an american talk show. The lady who is being interviewed has son with schizophrenia. The video gives you a quick insight to how their family have dealt with having mental illness within the family. 

5. This final video is a song about schizophrenia! It is both very catchy and very informative!

I hope that these videos have provided you with some new information to think about and that you have learnt something new! YouTube has so many more informative video's like these ones so I advise you to click on the link towards the top of this post and go exploring!

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